How to Handle Accusations 03: The Principle of the Inverse Accusation

There is something about accusations that I had noticed as a pastor for many years watching myself and others be accused, but I had never seen it in Scripture until recently. I call it the principle of inverse accusation, and it states that accusers nearly always accuse people of being the exact opposite of what they really are.

I have a pastor friend who I consider to be one of the most humble men I have ever met. I have never seen him driven by the spotlight and I have seen him over and over give all the glory to God for his ministry and fruitfulness. He is older than I am, and I have learned a lot from his graciousness, patience – and humility. Yet, I have heard several people accuse him of being arrogant, even once someone in the Tree! The accusation is the exact opposite of who he is. Accusations are generally not even close! People are accused of embezzling money who are as honest as you can imagine. People who are deeply faithful to their spouses are accused of cheating.

This is the inverse principle of accusations. Nearly always accusations are the exact opposite of what is real. It amazes me. I have been accused of saying or doing things, and I have thought – I did almost the exact opposite of that. I was accused by one pastor of not caring about them, when I was taking care of them more than they were taking care of themselves, and all I was trying to do was help them take care of themselves as well. And some people even listened to that accusation, when it was obvious.

More than once I have been accused of being racist, but I have a church of over forty nationalities. The people who have accused me of being racist are now in churches in London with only one nationality in that church! Makes you think! I have been accused of hating a certain Bible College, but is there any pastor in the UK who is employing and paying more graduates from that college than me? I don’t think there is. I have given tens of thousands of pounds towards the college! The accusation is the opposite, the inverse, of reality. They normally are!

You would think that this is not a thing, as you might think that accusing someone of something that they never were or are would not have much effect on them and others would instantly disbelieve it, but it never seems to work out like that!

It nearly always seems to be a very remote accusation – to the point where you could almost workout someone’s character by just assuming they are the absolute opposite of what the accusers say, but at the same time there are always those who love these accusations and start to embrace them.

Think about Moses! Moses killed an Egyptian because the only thing in his heart was to rescue the Israelites. He had no plans of ever hurting a Jew. God had called him, designed him and sent him to rescue and deliver the Israelites from slavery and bring them to the promised land. But before he did, the Israelites accused him of planning to murder one of them, then when the people finally got free and ended up in the wilderness they accused Moses of trying to kill all of them in the desert – more than once! (Exodus 14.12, Exodus 16.3, Exodus 17.3).

Then they accused Moses of being proud. We know the Bible, we know that Moses was the most humble man who ever lived (Numbers 12.3), but his accusers accused him of exalting himself above everyone else (Numbers 16.3). Ironically, it was his accusers who were arrogant and thought they knew how the people should be organized better than God did (with them at the top leading of course, obviously without them spending time with God or developing the character of Moses! I’ve met those accusers before!)

Do you remember what they accused Jesus of? Trying to destroy God’s house! That should have been obvious to everyone that Jesus cared so much for His Father’s house! John 2.17 tells us zeal for that house consumed Him! But that accusation was listened to, received by the Pharisees and the Romans, and that was the charge that led to His arrest and eventual crucifixion! Opposite accusations work!

In Luke 23.1-2 they accused him of tax evasion, but any student of the gospels knows Jesus always paid His taxes, at least once supernaturally!

I have heard the kindest people I know accused of being unkind, the most forgiving people I know accused of bitterness and the most humble people I know accused of arrogance. It’s a strange principle when it comes to accusation, but the next time you hear an accusation, think carefully about where it comes from and does it fit what you know!


How to Handle Accusations 02: Accusations and Friendship

Because the principles of Accusations are not well known or talked about, and what the Bible teaches us not valued or explained, most people who are accused are vulnerable to losing friends when accused.

When Satan finds someone to accuse you, and like I said last week, a friend or family member is his favourite employee, it feels like someone has vomited all over you. The person who accuses feel better, but you feel dirty and defiled and in need of a wash. People around you who are ignorant think that because you are the one covered in vomit, you are the one who should be avoided. They get annoyed at you for stinking of puke, but don’t ever get upset at the person who vomited on you!

Accusations have the effect of making everything stink. The most pure and clean relationships are dirtied. A man in the church has a pure relationship with a lady in the church, but as soon as some snide accuser suggests that relationship is inappropriate, everyone turns every action dirty in their minds. Their friendship become awkward and unclean. The vomit of one accusation could splatter all over. Pure, godly relationships can be defiled, people are now analysing every move.

A pastor only needs to be accused once of misusing money, and everyone is wondering where his shoes, watch and car came from. His relationship with his church and his ability to lead them to still waters is hindered, by just one sentence from some satan influenced accuser with no wisdom or godliness!

In my experience, the most painful thing about being accused is the people who accept and believe the accusations, and accept the accused at face value. I once had a lady call me of being racist, and some people left the church just because of one accusation. That was harder than the accusation! I was stunned people heard the accused, looked at the fruit of her life and then decided to stop associating with me over her. That decision was not godly, it wasn’t even sane.

This ia one of the reasons Accusations hit so hard. Because people start treating you different. You are covered in vomit, but no one is criticising the vomited, they are avoiding you. And it is tough.

The urge to defend yourself, to get down to the same level as your accusers will be intense. But you must not. You will not get the smell of vomit away from you by puking back.

What you need to do is threefold…

  1. Never accept the vomit as God’s will. This is not God’s judgment on you. This is not God humbling you, this is not karma. You are not supposed to be accused. The accusers are working for Satan not God.
  2. Love those who hate you. Bless those who accuse you. Speak well of them. Be positive and kind. Operate in the other spirit. That is pure water that washes away the vomit smell, and will cause people to be comfortable in your presence even though you have been accused. Some will even wake up and realize that your accusers are not being godly. You will set more people free by obeying the Word than getting down in the mud and telling “your side of the story”.
  3. Some friendships may be lost when you are accused. That’s not easy, but realize they did not leave due to the accusation. They left because they wanted to. They left because they wanted to, and are using the accusation as an excuse. Trying to defend yourself will not restore the friendship, as it is not the accusation that is the problem. It’s just a smokescreen.

Honourable people understand what I am saying. A dear pastor friend of mine was accused by someone in his church, they lied about him and actively tried to split his church. Anyone spiritual knows instantly that this behaviour is not God! He started hiring a building across the road from my friend’s church to try and rip his church apart.

Because I was so close to this pastor, this accuser emailed me and tried to separate our friendship. I didn’t even reply. I have learned thaf the problem is the vomiter, not the person who got in the way. I don’t engage with the voice of Satan, I don’t go down that line. In fact, I called my pastor friend, went for breakfast and spent time learning from him how to handle accusations. And that advice has come in very useful indeed. Watch someone godly accused up close and you will learn so much. And one day, when you are accused you will be glad you made that choice.

How to Handle Accusations 01: Who Accuses!

In Revelation 12.10 we are informed by John that one of Satan’s titles is “the accuser of our brethren” and that he accused them day and night, in other words all the time.

Satan tries to steal and kill and destroy us in many different ways. He tries to tempt us to sin – to act in ways that are self-destructive, he tries to lie to us, to distract us from God’s Word and local church, but when he is accusing you, that means he is truly pulling out all the stops to stop you bearing fruit.

When satan tried to take down Jesus, he starts with tempting him. He lied to him and tried to deceive him. When that didn’t work, satan stirred up people to actually murder him! But that wasn’t the worst. They tried to throw him off a cliff, inspired by satan because they didn’t like his preaching. A satanic storm tried to sink his boat and drown him. But that wasn’t Satan’s worst attack.

When satan was so finally fed up of Jesus, he stepped up from lies and even murder and started with accusations. If you are being accused, that means that satan really wants to take you out.

It won’t take you being a Christian for long before you are inevitable accused of something. Satan loves accusing people of wrong doing, and loves finding people who are happy to share his accusations far and wide.

So, at the end of his life, when satan was trying his hardest to end him, he started with accusations. For the whole week before the cross, there was accusation after accusation, lie after lie. They tried their hardest to entangle him and trap him, finding a reason to accuse him. They accused him on his life his ministry, on everything he did and said and they didn’t mind making things up either. The high priest accused him, Pilat accused him, he was also accused in Herod’s palace. What a week!

And Jesus responded by keeping his peace. Matthew 27.14 tells us he never answered a word, so much so that the governor marvelled.

So aaccusations come. So it does good to find it why they come and how to deal with them. Let’s start on the very basic level and define what an accusation actually is.

It is an allegation made at someone. It is essential when someone points a finger at you and says you are doing this wrong, you are guilty, you have failed.

Even if the statements are complete lies they can still bring a sense of guilt that paralyses you from serving God. It takes the highest level of maturity as a Christian and the highest level of intimacy with God to withstand the assaults of constant accusations and still say silent.

Even though accusations come out of the mouths of humans, they are words from the accuser of the brethren. Every time you accuse another, you are siding with satan and siding with his words. Satan is the accuser of the brethren, but sadly he often uses the brethren to voice these accusations.

Have you noticed how some people are just good at some jobs? Now we have a building in Manchester, we are hiring the same people again and again to fix things because they are good at the job. Sadly, some Christians are hired by satan over and over because they’ve developed the skills to be good accusers of their Christian family.

They are normally people who are over familiar with you, and did not guard their heart to your true character and calling in Christ. Judas was Christ’s friend, but lost sight of who Christ was. Satan is happiest when accusations come from people close. Family, friends, colleagues, people from your church, people in your work or school.

Now, if you haven’t been on the receiving end of an accusation, you may think just brush it off. Alas, it’s just not that easy. You have to guard your heart and mind against accusations or you will be knocked off course by them and shipwreck your Christian life.

Most people I meet feel too condemned and too unworthy to serve God. One of the reason people embrace those feelings is accusations. When the voice of the accuser was silenced, there was according to Revelation, strength, salvation, and power. If we too can learn how to silence the voice of the accuser and not give that voice any safe space in our heads, we will enter into a place of strength, salvation, and power.

It’s all in Revelation 12. When the accuser is overcome, “Now is come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our God and the power of Christ, for THE ACCUSER OF THE BRETHREN IS CAST DOWN”. When we as brethren refuse to listen to accusations about ourselves and others, we start to see salvation and strength. Miracles happen, healings happen, the weak become strong. Many Christians are weak because they like listening to accusers.

I don’t know about you, but I want church services where salvations happen, where the kingdom is advanced, where the power of Christ is manifest. So, I do everything I can to ignore accusations against me, to refuse to listen to accusations against others, and to ensure my mouth does not yield to the accuser.

The kingdom of God depends on us all doing this. Let’s take this seriously.

Next week… Let’s find out how accusations destroy divine relationships and how to stop it happening.

God is Big, Now Start Acting Like it 14 Be Bold!

God is big, I have been teaching this for weeks on this blog – God is big. But now it is time for us to be challenged. God is big, and we must act like it, and the number one way we need to act is boldness!

When we are convinced that God is a great, big God and we honour His Word we should be bold. We should not be wondering and wavering about what to do, we should trust the Lord, and fix our heart and our hope on Him completely.

When I realized Jesus wanted everyone well, I become really bold about driving all over the nation and preaching healing. When I realize Jesus wanted everyone wealthy, I became bold in taking offerings! When I realized Jesus was love, I boldly forgave people who wronged me. When I preach on righteousness, healing, prosperity, there always seems to be some Christians who don’t believe – in the early days religious people made me as nervous as if they were cannibals I was preaching the gospel to and they might eat me!

When you are preaching to people who are not listening, who are shouting out at you, and you do not feel the presence of God, satan is screaming give up, stop trying to plant a church here, you need to be persuaded God’s Word is true!

I have found that the bolder I am, the more I inspire others to trust God. Sometimes I am praying for someone and I feel nothing, but I still have God, I still have the Word, I still have the promises, I have everything I need so I pray with boldness, I thank God that person is healed or blessed or whatever they are believing for, and I praise Him for the truth of His Word.

Hebrews 10.35 says do not throw away your confidence. Some of us develop great confidence but because nothing happens in about two days, we just throw it away. It was real confidence in the real promises – it was genuine faith – but people throw it away too quickly. It’s like planting a real seed in real soil, then digging it up before it ever sprouts!

You have to hold on tight to your boldness, hold on tight to the Word, hold on tight to the promises. You are not just sitting around waiting for God to do something though – that’s not confidence, that’s not boldness – no you are speaking the Word, praying the Word, acting like the Word is so, acting like God is big, and expecting all of God’s goodness to manifest. GOD IS BIG AND YOU ARE ACTING LIKE IT – rejoice like it, sing like it, shout like it, dance like it.

Boldness comes when we take God at His Word – you can fake it but not for long. We must stop limiting God and act like He is big, we need to quit making excuses for our doubt and unbelief and start expecting great things from God!

God is Big, Now Start Acting Like it 13 Triple Faith

In the old days, before emails and instant messaging, often forms needed to be filled in triplicate. You could and probably still can buy special paper that when you wrote on it, you were actually writing on three sheets of paper and had three copies of what you wrote. So a company could give a customer a copy of the receipt, the salesman could have a personal copy and the company could file a copy for later. Triplicate.

True faith is triplicate. It needs to be in three places to work. You need three copies. I am teaching you how to dream big here and get results from the Word.

Let’s use a simple example. You might be sick in your body. Now, the Bible says very clearly and explicitly that By His Stripes you are healed (1 Peter 2.24). So this is the first place faith is. There is faith in the Word. The Word of God has faith inside it. That’s why just hearing the Word brings faith. Everything you need in life is found in God’s precious promises and you have a whole book of them that bring not just the promise but faith to believe it. If you are struggling to believe God’s Word, if you are anxious about the future, if you are struggling to see yourself rich there is faith in the Word.

So you must get into the Word. The Word of God is non negotiable if we want faith, it is the very first place there is faith. It is the master copy of Faith. There are Christians praying for faith, begging for faith, hoping to get faith, but faith is in the Word and to get faith you have to go to the Word, and find out what the Word says.

But faith in the Word will not change anyone’s life. Just going out and buying a big black leather bound Bible will not change your faith.

You need to duplicate the faith in the Word in your heart. You need to be listening to good faith filled sermons, you need to read the Word, study the Word, meditate on the Word, learn the Word, be in church. All of us need to take heed how we hear because the measure we mete will be measured to us (Mark 4.24). Your job is to take the Word of God and copy it to your heart so your heart stops looking like a mix of traditions, worldliness and your opinions, and starts looking like the Word. The more your heart is full of the Word, the more your life will look like the book of Acts. You will always end up living what your heart looks like. As a man thinks in his heart so he is (Proverbs 23.7). Your task is to both garden and guard your heart so it looks like the Word. Sow the Word as a seed, protect yourself from weeds, and do whatever it takes to make your heart look like the Word.

But that’s only a duplicate. Faith needs to be into triplicate. You could have the purest most godly heart in the world, but if you never speak the Word you will never see it. You will have what you say. You have to speak the Word. You cannot just talk rubbish and see the Bible life manifest. You have to take control of your big mouth and let the words of your mouth match the Word.

When there is true triplication, when the Word matches your heart and your results, you will see the Word manifest. You will be healed, prosperous, happy and in the right place at the right time.

Make renewing your heart and controlling your tongue your life goals! Watch and see miracles!

God is Big, Now Start Acting Like it 12 Learn How to Persuade Yourself

Changing the total way you think about God and yourself and replacing teeny tiny thoughts with giant big ones, replacing human thoughts with divine ones, your worldly carnal ideas with Word based, Spirit-filled ideas takes time. It takes a bit of energy and effort too. It will not happen overnight. You can change a spirit instantly, but to change a body and a soul takes time and effort.

You have to go against decades of negativity, and a lot of people around you are negative too. Even other Christians are negative to the greatness of God in your life!

Now, Abraham had a miracle baby and changed the world. he was “fully persuaded” that God would do what He said (that’s in Romans 4.21). If you want to see your miracles, your destiny, your life transformed, you have to learn to persuade yourself until you, like Abraham, are fully persuaded.

Now, Abraham, like you and me, had circumstances that contradicted God’s Word, and I bet he had some detractors too, but he praised God before He saw the promise, because He was persuaded God’s Word was true above His circumstances and above the words of others. That is the place we need to reach!

It took Abraham 25 years to reach that place, you should not take that long – you have an entire Bible. You have a righteous Spirit, you have the fivefold ministry, you have the local church. You have the baptism in the Holy Spirit and can pray in tongues. You need to fill your heart with God’s Word and persuade yourself that this is the truth by putting it in your heart and mind over and over.

Talk about the Word, and if your close friends don’t talk Word, find some better friends. Put Scriptures on your walls, get a bracelet with Scripture on it, get Scripture in your mind. Surround yourself with the Word of God – do it until your heart is so full of the Word it is persuaded.

The last thing Satan wants is you knowing God is big. So he will send people your way to discourage you, tell you to stop being fanatic, just big wet blankets, some of them will even be saved – you have to stop them having access to your heart and keep in the Word. You have some unbelief you need to get rid off – start feeding your heart and realize that the Word says God is big and He is on your side.

If you are facing a problem, you find every Scripture on that problem and meditate on them, pray them, discuss them, go and buy some sermons on those topics. DO WHAT IT TAKES TO PERSUADE YOURSELF, because persuaded people receive from God!

God is Big, Now Start Acting Like it 11 God Made You Big, Now Act Like It!

Once you have spent the time meditating in the Word, knowing how big God is, and how much He loves you, you then can spend some time realizing how loved you are, and how big you are. In other words, when you realize how special God is you will realize how special you are.

You are a new creation, the old has gone (that’s the Word of God, look at 2 Cor. 5.17). This is not just getting saved and getting forgiven, your entire nature changes. And your new nature is a perfect facsimile of Jesus. That means that when God looks at you He sees Jesus. When God relates to you, He relates to you as if it was Jesus. When God hears your prayer, He answers as if it was Jesus. That’s the truth and you need to get that inside your heart.

I have found many Christians really struggle to believe what God says about them. They find it truly difficult to accept. Yet throughout the New Testament, it tells us over and over again that we are righteous, that we are more than conquerors, that we are overcomers, that we are one spirit with Christ, we are redeemed, blessed, highly favoured. We are holy as He is holy, we are in Him!

Colossians 1.12 says: He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light.

Do you know today that you’re ENABLED to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people? That’s the truth. You have the free will to choose something else, but that wouldn’t be true. The truth is you have the ability to share in Jesus’ inheritance, to do the works He does, to walk the way He walks.

That should affect your self-worth and self-esteem! You should be getting your self-esteem from your identity and ability in Christ, not your abilities and gifting! You have the ability to walk in the full inheritance of Christ. That’s big and you should be thinking down that line!

God is Big, Now Start Acting Like it 10 Act Like God’s Love is Big!

God is big and God is love, so God’s love is big. It’s huge, it’s immense, it’s wonderful and glorious. We all have free access to God’s presence and when we get into the presence of God, we never walk in and find a Judgment Seat but always find a Mercy Seat. A throne of grace where we can obtain mercy in times of need.

We will win every battle, have eternal victory when we learn to rely on God’s love, and meditate on how big God’s love is. We should be living and acting and speaking and thinking about how much God loves us! He really loves us. God is love!

The more we realize God is love, the more we understand Him. Many people do not understand God because they fail to understand He is love. They fail to understand Jesus is love. They fail to understand how much God loves us.

Now one of the things that God wants us to know is that He is not a hypocrite. He never asks us to do anything that He is not prepared to do. When John tells us “If anyone has enough money to live well, and sees a brother or sister in need and shows no compassion, that person doesn’t have God’s love in them” (1 John 3.17, NLT), then you need to know God has that same love inside Him! God will never leave you in need because He loves you. The reason you doubt whether your needs will be provided for in your life is because you doubt how big God’s love is for you! The reason you doubt you can live in divine health is because you doubt how big God’s love is for you!

One of the biggest problems and hindrances to faith and living in victory in the church is people blame God for circumstances in their life. They get sick and think God made them sick, they are broke and blame God, they pray and don’t get an answer to prayer and then they get bitter at God and angry at God. They feel they turned to God in their time of need and God let them down, not seeing they just did not operate in the principles of faith, and did not know how to receive from God’s grace by faith, and they felt it was God holding back on them rather than realizing it was their ignorance or unbelief.

Every blessing is ours in Christ, but we have to do our part to receive it in our lives – do not blame God for what you are lacking. God has already blessed us with all the blessings, He has already given us all things – but we need to learn how to live by faith and receive it.

When you realize that God is love and God loves you then you will never wonder whether God wants to meet your needs, you will never wonder if God wants to provide for you and make you healthy.

Imagine another human loves you, and wants to help you in your financial situation. But you don’t know they love you, and even if someone told you – you don’t even believe it. You could never benefit from that love, it would not change your life. We need to reach the place John reached “We have known and we believe the love that God has for us!” (1 John 4.16).

I would find time today to ask the Lord to reveal to you how much He loves you. Do not be surprised if His answer is for you to spend some time praying in tongues or fasting or reading the Word, because that is the way you will develop your soul capacity to believe God’s love and God’s goodness for you. I know from years of experience ministering that most people – most Christians – even grace Christians – do not know and believe how much God loves them.

Faith is so much more than a way of getting healed and blessed. Faith is receiving God’s love for us – which often comes as provision. In fact, a failure to receive healing and abundance is really a rejection at a soul level of how much God loves us.

Many Christians are seeking miracles and anointing. Trust me, I have learned this over many years, when you know the love of God, you will have miracles and anointing. Start with love, make love your quest, your goal. Pursue love!

God is Big, Now Start Acting Like it 09 Get to Know God

You could sum up every problem any human in the world has as a lack of knowing God well enough. Every sickness is because you don’t know God well enough. Every lack in your life is because you don’t know God well enough. The reason you lust, get angry, are easily offended is because you don’t know God well enough.

We will always reap what we sow, and because we do not sow enough time with God and His Word, we do not know God well enough. We then limit God as if He was just a slightly bigger version of ourselves. If we are tight with money, we see God as slightly less tight than ourselves, we do not se Him as generous and we will struggle with prosperity. If we are negative and critical of people, we will see God as just slightly less critical than us.

There are two main reasons Christians do not know God well. Firstly, we still have a system in place that encourages second hand faith. Most people if they are sick, their go to is not God’s Word, it is their favourite preacher, it is their pastor, it is someone else. We have set up a system where that kind of immaturity is rewarded and encouraged! Secondly, many do not realize that you can only know God from the Word. You cannot know God from experience or culture or tradition, you have to go to the Word.

If you want to seriously change your life in any and every area, you have to get to know God better. You need to read the Bible, praying as you do, and not just find something to do or say, but find God in the Word. Find His nature, His love, His principles, His goodness. I guarantee you that if you read the Bible with an open heart asking God to reveal Himself to you, that over time He definitely will.

Remember you are the righteousness of God, you do not need to do anything or work anything or achieve anything to encounter God. You just need to have an open heart and expect by faith God to reveal Himself to you. Remember God is good. He only gives us good gifts. Nothing bad ever comes from God. It is so much evil that when bad things happen religious people always blame God, that’s not true, that deception. God is a good God.

I am writing this blog posts because I want you to grasp that God is big so that you can have a great, big life. I wish I could give you all steps to do this, but it is less about steps and more about your heart. It’s not about do this to get that, it’s about realizing that the Word of God teaches clearly that God is big, and it mandates that we should spend the time finding out about God’s bigness.

I want everyone reading this to stop making excuses for your small thinking and your unbelief. I want you to stop disobeying God and start spending time with what is precious: God and His Word. God sent His Son to see you free from sin, death, the curse of the law, all sickness and all poverty. It’s time you stopped rolling over and letting that dominate your life and it’s definitely time you stop blaming God for it all.

God has so much good in store for you and your future, but you are going to have to do something to bring yourself to a place where you believe it.

God is Big, Now Start Acting Like it 08 Jesus is Lord Now Act Like It!

It amazes me over and over how some Christians are so casual about the commands of Jesus. They will openly say “I will do A, B, C for God, but not D”. Their attendance at church is erratic, and pretty much anything can stop them going to church (“it’s raining”, “a friend came over”, “I was tired” – and all of those are from last weekend!). They want to be on the preaching course and learn how to preach, but aren’t in the Bible study course and learning how to study the Word! They don’t tithe if you don’t preach what they want or invite a guest speaker they don’t feel is anointed! How are these things so? Why are so many Christians so casual about the things of God?

Part of it is the way we preach the good news. We teach people to receive Jesus as Saviour, and of course, the new birth is easy to receive, all the hard work was done by Jesus. However, Paul is clear – we receive salvation by declaring with our mouth that Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord, and there is nothing we can do to change that, but have we submitted to His Lordship? Do we live and speak like Jesus is Lord? He is not the Saviour Jesus Christ, He is the LORD JESUS CHRIST!

The Greek word for Lord is kurios, and it originally meant a slave owner. Slavery image is not politically correct in the modern world, but I care more about God’s Word than being politically correct, and the truth is that as Christians we are slaves to Jesus. If Jesus says go here or there, you should go here or there. Our mandate, our obligation, our duty is to find out what God wants us to do and go and do it with all of our heart. Obviously, that means being in church, being a disciple, listening to the Word, prayer, and giving generously to the kingdom. Obviously that means serving and loving. 

We are supposed to be slaves to God. If we read an instruction in the Word, we should jump to it. We should have no regard for our desires or opinions, we should be dedicated to doing God’s will!

But there’s more to it than that – we should also be in health and prosper. That is God’s will for us. If you are sick, you should be listening to healing sermons every day, reading (good!) books on healing every day. You should be working hard to get into the will of God. Recently, on social media, I saw a post from someone who is a minister asking why such and such a disease was such a good friend to them, as it kept visiting their house. It is a friend because you allowed it to be a friend… you should have resisted it with every word you say, every thought you have, you should be doubling down on praying in tongues and meditating on healing Scriptures, until you are back in the will of God – the will of God is you being healthy.

It is not the will of God for you to live month to month barely making it. If you are living like that, you need to swallow your arrogance, start listening to the Word, turn off the TV, meditate on God’s Word and what God says about prosperity until it starts to manifest and appear in your life. You need to treat poverty like an enemy.

It’s amazing how many Christians tolerate satan’s will for their life and never ever submit to God’s will for their life. They seem to care very little about what God has called them to do!

Jesus Christ died a horrific death to set you free from sin and from every single result of sin, but unless you decide to put the effort in to both find out what it means and learn the knowledge to walk in the reality of that, you are making His death in vain! 

If Jesus is your Lord, you do not have the option of refusing prosperity and healing. You are under obligation to defeat satan, live an abundant life and go around doing the works Jesus did. It’s that simple! But if you neglect to do what Jesus is telling you to do, you are ignoring how big He is, and not living like He is bigger than you. You are living like you are bigger than him – and that takes more faith than I have. Let’s start submitting to Jesus and getting Jesus level results, rather than continuing to submit to our flesh and getting more and more fleshy results. Selah!