End Times!

Fascination in end times seems to be at an all time high.  I would say I am being asked more questions about end times than anything.

Yet with all the interest, there is a lot of nonsense out there.  Some people are falling for date setting, for signs in the heaven that have nothing to do with God.  Other people are embracing the deception that end times have all happened, some are even saying Jesus returned in AD70!

So where do we go to find answers?  The Word

And in this series we get the Word.  Thirteen hours of teaching, covering the book of Revelation, the rapture, the antichrist and even aliens.



Published by Tree of Life Church

We are a growing network of growing churches, with services weekly in Dagenham, Guildford, Watford, Croydon, Brentwood and Dorset. We are also planting churches in Cambridge, Suffolk, West Midlands and Hemel. Find out more at www.tree.church, www.tree.church/youtube and www.tree.church/app.

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